From nicknames to stardom: Spoiler’s rise against bullying


LAUGHTER echoed through the schoolyard, but for Sydney Chisenga, it wasn’t a joyful sound. Nicknames like “Akambuma” and “Shorty” followed him everywhere, a constant reminder of his stature and a source of deep pain.

Diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency, Chisenga, born in Ibenga’s Chikulindi village on the Copperbelt, in a family of 11, faced years of bullying that threatened to dim his dreams.

“I was laughed at by people and I really thought it was going to stop but it continued and grew even more whenever I met new people, especially in school.”

“Most times, I used to run away from school to go and herd cattle with my uncle just to keep myself away from reality,” Chisenga recalled. “But my father used to beat me when I did that, reminding me that I needed to be educated more than anyone in my family because I couldn’t manage to do hard labour.”

He was later enrolled into Dagama School for the differently abled and found acceptance among peers who understood his struggles.

“The difference with this school was that no one could laugh at me for how I looked because everyone was differently abled. Plus, their disabilities were eventually worse than my own,” he said.

One day, seeking refuge from people’s taunts, Sydney stumbled upon a movie featuring the comedic duo Aki and Pawpaw played by Nollywood acting legends, Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme respectively.

Chisenga saw the two Nigerian actors whom he shared a similar stature with and was inspired with their work.

 As he watched their antics on screen, a realization dawned on him. “It was like watching myself on TV,” he said. “That day, I knew I was born for greatness.”

Aki and Pawpaw weren’t just funny; they were living proof that physical limitations couldn’t hinder success. 

Inspired, Sydney decided to take a chance on his own acting dreams. His determination led him to filmmaker Jonas Mumba, who saw the spark in Sydney’s eyes and cast him in the lead role of the comedy series “Spoiler.”

The name “Spoiler” became a badge of honor, a symbol of his transformation from a bullied boy to a celebrated actor. The show catapulted Sydney, now known as Spoiler, to stardom. 

Recognition replaced ridicule, and his talent opened doors he never imagined.

“Acting has made me earn an income and through that income I have educated some of my family members and other people. It has also taken me to places I never thought I could go,” explained the entertainer

But his journey isn’t over. Spoiler dreams of using his success to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate, with plans to build a home for those marginalised by society.

Spoiler’s story is a beacon of hope, proving that obstacles can be stepping stones. 

As he embarks on new projects, his life is a clear message: no obstacle is insurmountable and every setback is an opportunity for growth.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, March 28, 2024


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