From chalkboard to scholar’s gown: Dr Likando’s PhD stitches hope for Zambia


IN the dusty plains of Kalabo, where opportunity often feels like a distant mirage, a single thread of determination has woven a tapestry of triumph.

Dr. Joe Likando, a class teacher at Likasa Boys Secondary School, has defied the limitations of his background to become the first stitch in a new garment of hope for Zambia – a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration.

Dr Likando’s journey wasn’t a walk in a rose garden. He clambered over mountains of adversity, fueled by a fire in his belly that refused to be extinguished.

His groundbreaking research tackled a national conundrum: the underutilised Constituency Development Fund (CDF) acting as a locked vault for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kafue.

This pioneering work, the first of its kind for a Zambian PhD candidate, has already broken geographical borders, finding a voice in esteemed academic journals across the vast ocean in the UK and India.

On May 20, 2024, Dr. Likando’s relentless pursuit of knowledge culminated in a momentous occasion. The University of Zambia, a beacon of learning, bestowed upon him the prestigious title of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration.

This achievement isn’t just a personal victory; it’s a spotlight illuminating the untapped potential within the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Likando’s unwavering commitment to self-improvement is a clarion call, echoing through the halls of schools and classrooms, inspiring students and colleagues to chase and conquer their own academic Kilimanjaros.

Likasa Boys Boarding Secondary School stands a little taller today, basking in the reflected glory of Dr. Likando’s accomplishment.

His story is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

It’s a vibrant reminder that greatness can blossom from the most unexpected corners, and that with unwavering determination, even the loftiest dreams can be plucked from the sky.

Dr. Likando’s journey, a metamorphosis from a small-town boy wielding chalk to a scholar draped in the gown of Knowledge urging all to embrace education as the needle and thread that can stitch together a brighter future for the nation.

Kalemba May 24, 2024


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