Home Court Court puts Mabonga on defense over tribal war rant

Court puts Mabonga on defense over tribal war rant


MFUWE constituency member of parliament Maureen Mabonga will have to exculpate herself for allegedly inciting an ethnic war four months ago, after the disappearance of Petauke member of parliament Emmanuel Jay Banda.

Mabonga is in Court on two counts of seditious practices.

Between May 25 and May 28, 2024 – the lawmaker allegedly incited Easterners to rise in arms against Southerners when she ascribed the disappearance of Petauke Central member of parliament Emmanuel Jay Banda to an ethnic attack on Easterners.

She said the Easterners together with their tribal cousins the Bembas were in multitudes and could form a ‘tribal pact’ which could outnumber the police.

Yesterday acting senior resident magistrate Trevor Kasanda, yesterday found her with a case to answer over her alleged seditious statement.

Magistrate Kasanda said the State has established a prima facie case against Mobonga as there is overwhelming evidence warranting him to place her on defence.

“I have found the state’s evidence is sufficient to warranting me to put her on defense. I find the accused with case to answer in both counts,”magistrate Kasanda said.

Mabonga’s lawyer Leon Lemba informed the Court that his client will give sworn evidence and call witnesses.

The matter comes up on November 18.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba October 4, 2024.



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