Broadleaf Urban Properties goes beyond bricks and mortar to touch lives


BROADLEAF Urban Properties has stepped beyond bricks and mortar to shape not just homes but lives by extending its commitment to community building after reaching out to the M.H.I Matero Orphanage.

This past weekend, children’s hearts leaped, as they wore mischievous smiles when the Boadleaf team entered their premises with assorted items, including food, mealie meal, among others.

In the midst of constructing physical abodes, Broadleaf Urban Properties found themselves contributing to a greater foundation – the building of lives.

The sentiment echoes in their philosophy: “If we can build a home, then we can build a life.” It’s a perspective that extends far beyond the blueprint of a house; it’s a commitment to crafting futures and ensuring that every Zambian holds a piece of their cultural legacy.

Broadleaf Urban Properties expressed their belief that it is their duty to care for the environment and the surrounding community.

They emphasized the importance of collaborating with communities to nurture the development of future leaders, aiming to create an environment conducive to growth.

The company shared that in their pursuit of constructing homes and ensuring Zambians have ownership of their heritage, their goal is to shape lives that will not only preserve this cultural legacy but also contribute to the advancement of a better Zambia.

The hashtag #BroadLeafUrbanProperties symbolizes not just a brand but a story of human connection, community enrichment, and the unwavering belief that investing in people is the true cornerstone of sustainable development.

Kalemba November 13, 2023


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