NGOCC unveils new campaign, calls for legal reforms for gender Inclusion increase


THE call for increased women’s participation in Zambian politics has been amplified as stakeholders, including parliamentarians, creatives and advocacy groups, rally behind the “Her Time is Now” campaign.

Spearheaded by the Non-Governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC), the initiative seeks to address the gender imbalance in political leadership and promote legal reforms to ensure inclusivity.

Mwandi Member of Parliament Sibeso Sefulo, the only female MP in Western Province, expressed strong support for proportional representation and the quota system.

“This is a discussion we had at our AGM (As female parliamentarians) and we are welcoming it. Let’s move from discussion to action by presenting a motion in Parliament to make it law,” she said.

Sefulo highlighted the challenges women face due to their limited representation in decision-making, emphasising the need for their voices in addressing critical issues that affect them like maternity care and water accessibility.

“There is no country that can develop without the voice of it’s majority when you look at the women that go to vote in Zambia, 53 percent of the voters were women when you go into parliament only 15 percent are voted,” noted Sefulo.

Bwana Mkubwa MP Warren Mwambazi echoed these sentiments, urging for robust parliamentary debate on proportional representation.

He cited examples from South Africa and East Africa, which have adopted similar systems, and called for efforts to empower women for leadership roles.

“Bring it to parliament let us have caucuses, let us discuss, because what is important is for members of parliament to capacitate stakeholders to ensure that our women are fully promoted,” Mwambazi said.

Golden Nachibinga, Head of Programs for the Zambia National Women’s Lobby, advocated for amendments to the electoral laws to incorporate Mixed Member Electoral Systems (MMES) and require political parties to adopt gender-inclusive measures. These reforms, he said, would encourage more women and youth to participate in elections and leadership.

Speaking on behalf of Gender Division Permanent Secretary Mainga Kabika, Henry Nkoma, Director of Gender in Development, emphasised the urgent need to dismantle systemic barriers hindering women’s political participation.

Kabika described the inclusion of women in governance as critical for sustainable and inclusive development, stressing that immediate action was essential to bridge the gap.

NGOCC Chairperson Beauty Katebe highlighted the stark gender disparity in Zambia’s leadership, revealing that only 15 percent of parliamentarians, 12.9 percent of councilors, and 3.4 percent of cabinet members are women.

“This is a sad state of affairs that calls for urgent action,” Katebe said.

Despite women making up 53 percent of voters in Zambia, their representation in decision-making remains alarmingly low.

According to the NGOCC the “Her Time is Now” campaign seeks to prepare aspiring female candidates for the 2026 general elections by creating a database of potential candidates, petitioning Parliament, and advocating for legal reforms to introduce Mixed Member Proportional Representation.

Katebe stressed the importance of collective action to ensure women not only appear on ballots but also secure elected positions.

Other stake holders like creatives, BFlow, Wezi and Ken Dumbo, political parties and other civil society organisations were in attendance of the launch which took place yesterday in Lusaka.

By Moses Makwaya

Kalemba December 19, 2024



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