Woman drags IG neighbour to court for undressing her with words


A MATERO Insultant General (IG) has been given a trophy for harbouring a dictionary sewer packed with vulgar language which she unleashed on her neighbour in describing their urinating organs.

25 year old House wife, Tamara Njobvu of Matero’s Shadreck area was fined K2,500 by the Matero local court for using her mouth to undress, Alice Mulenga a fellow housewife and her husband without touching or having contact with them.

One would wonder what would have caused the pandemonium in the compound – it was not an argument caused over a few bottles of black label but a child’s crying sparked the flame.

According to Mulenga, she sued Njobvu, demanding compensation for insults, Njobvu showered on her and her husband over her child’s ball.

Mulenga said on the material day, Njovu’s son, along with his friends had been playing football in the evening when they threw their ball inside her yard.

“Each time they throw their ball, I always give them. On Sunday I was cooking around 19 (hours) and her son came to get the ball which they threw in my yard but I refused saying it was late as there was no power. He persisted to knock and I ended up saying that my kids should give them the ball, until they gave him,” said Mulenga.

She added that minutes later, around 20:00 hours after giving the child the ball, Njobvu came to her house, heated like a volcano ready to erupt and asked her why she had beaten her son.

It is alleged that she unleashed Nkana soccer fans’ songs of praise to their rivals as a build up on her question too.

According to Mulenga’s Nyanja statement, the insults, are not far from those, the cadres showered on the former head of state at DEC offices last month.

“She came to my home and told me that I am a dog, keeping dogs, and as if that was not enough, she started insulting my private parts and also my husband’s manhood in front of people and also our children.”

“So I have brought her here to court so that she can show or tell me were she saw mine and my husband’s private parts,” Mulenga told court.

However, in her defense, Njobvu who looked as innocent as her 12 year old son before the court denied ever unleashing cadre-like insults on Mulenga and her husband.

“I was not home I went to my mothers house. But when I got back, I found my son crying and he said it was my neighbour who beat him. So I carried my child and took him to her house so I could find out why she beat him.”

“But she instead, ignored us and entered the house saying let those dogs continue barking like the dogs we keep here. I asked her, ‘has it reached that far of even calling us dogs?’ that’s how I left her home and told her we will talk from court. The next day, at 22 (hours) I just received a summon to court. I even took the child to the police and hospital,” said Njovu.

But her son, Christopher Sichenga, aged 12 who was her witness came and gave a different statement that made the court conclude that she indeed insulted the couple.

“That’s why, the best witness one can have is a child because they never lie. As a mother, you leave your child well and find him sick and crying, you would definitely fume and insult whoever beat him, but that is still wrong.”

“So, claim upheld, defendant to compensate plaintiff with k2,500 to be paid in installments of k500 effective month end of June,” ordered magistrate Lewis Mumba.

Magistrate Mumba further advised Njobvu to take seriously the beating of the child which was confirmed by the medical report as it was a criminal case.

Picture for illustration

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba June 13, 2024



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