A NON-Governmental Organisation that works to better the lives of children born with defects resulting from neurosurgical conditions says it targets to provide free medical aid to 2000 children countrywide this year.
Help Beyond Borders (HBB) founder Isaac Muzata otherwise known as Zac told #Kalemba that his organisation will soon announce the dates when the provision of the medical aid would start. After successfully providing free medical aid to 1000 children last year, Muzata said he was excited to double the number in 2023.
Working with Neurosurgical Society of Zambia, Muzata said the free service will mainly target children with neurosurgical conditions Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida.
Muzata was woken up to the reality and challenges of children and adults with neurosurgical conditions after a life threatening road traffic accident that caused bleeding in his brain back in September of 2021.
However, after a sustainable delicate operation that gave Muzata another chance at life, he decided to take the philanthropic route that got him dedicate his time and resource to saving children neurosurgical conditions.
While rendering help to children with neurosurgical conditions, he hopes that expecting mothers can help reduce birth defects by taking more folic acid before and during pregnancy.
He said it was worrying that according to statistics, four children are born with neurosurgical conditions every day in Zambia.
Kalemba January 12, 2023
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