Noone can pay you to explain your problems – Luapula Boys

Knack Unity of Luapula Province

SOME call them ‘The Impi of 2021’, others say they are the reincarnation of Twice and his ‘Tomato-Tomato Balunda’ anthem, yet still, some say they could have been possessed by PK Chishala’s ‘Common Man’ spirits.

Whatever it is, one thing is certain, this group called Knack Unity or Luapula Boys, despite being located far away from the flyover bridges and shopping malls of Lusaka, has broken from the ranks of the current musicians singing praise jingles for their political masters.

Social media is littered with ‘likes’, ‘loves’ and ‘wows’ to the songs of this group which in a short time has achieved what many Zambians consider impossible; getting listenership without becoming a ‘nshima twerker’, as political praise singing musicians have become known.

With their newfound glory, questions have been conceived in the minds of many Zambians;Who are Knack Unity/Luapula Boys, where are they coming from, and most crucial, who is paying them to sing about their poverty when their colleagues in the industry, under the influence of empowerment funds, are seeing the beauty and success of society?

Chrispine Mwelwa, the group’s manager says that the group is not for sale or hire to politicians.

He identifies the group members as Gasto Chola 26, Evans Kunda 30, Praza Chomba 23, Edward Mpundu 26 and Ben Kalobwe 23.

“No one can or should hire you to explain your problems”, he retorts.

Mwelwa explains that the group’s social message was born out of frustration at the refusal of the Luapula Province Administration to allow them to perform at the Luapula Expo as only urban artists were given the stage.

That frustration culminated into their unique blend of conscious music which exposes the ills and sufferings of the local people of Luapula, and to a greater extent, mirrors the squalor and poverty of the whole country.

With their province competing neck-to-neck with Western Province for the shameful position of the ‘Most Impoverished Province’ and also the worst in terms of performance at Grade 12 level, one can understand that Luapula Boys have plenty of inspiration for their complaints over poverty and neglect.

Their trending songs ‘Babufi’ and ‘Bantana Ichiloli’ have arrived in the current campaign period like ugly protruding nails on the ruling party’s chair making the seat of power not comfortable.

Likewise, the opposition have lapped up their song and messages like a canine starved of water after a sprint.

Whether one likes them or not, from the numbers of people watching and downloading their songs, one thing is clear, Knack Unity has something to say, and the people are listening.

©Kalemba June 4, 2021



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