Kitwe Police nab fake Prison Officers


THE scandal-riddled Zambia Correctional Service has suffered another publicity disaster after its uniforms and rank insignia were found being worn by five fraudsters of Kitwe.

According to Copperbelt Commissioner of Police Elias Chushi, the five after shaving their heads and chins smooth like a baby’s buttocks dressed themselves in uniforms of the Zambia Correctional Service.

The criminals who were driving a silver Toyota Corolla registration ADC 3850 spirited themselves went to ACC Mining Company with a begging bowl seeking for cash donations towards the repatriation of prisoners who had completed their sentences.

However, the company management got suspicious after noticing that the ‘officers’ uniforms smelled of nice perfume which is rare among Zambian uniformed personnel.

ACC Mining immediately called Kamfinsa Prison to find out if they had dispatched some well-perfumed officers to seek donations.

And when the answer was ‘no’, the mine alerted police who swooped the ‘officers’ and bundled them in a police cruiser.

Commissioner Chushi identified the suspects of Kitwe as Connelious Mutale 32, of house number 2 Bupe Teachers Compound, Boniface Mwape 56, of house number 5640 Mulenga overspill, John Musonda 40, of Copperbelt University teachers’ Compound, Haggai Matanda 30, of unmarked house in Chamboli township and Misheck Bwalya 28, of house number PP 50 Wusakile township.

As they were being led away, the suspects could be heard protesting their innocence that they were a drama group whose sketch was frowned upon by the mine management.

#CAPTION: File photo for illustration

©Kalemba June 4, 2021



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