Barotse Activist loses wife to serial killer


AKAFUMBA Mombotwa, jailed leader of the Barotse Seccessionist group called Linyungandambo, is among the many grieving people that have lost their loved ones to the Kabwe Prisoner-turned-serial killer Joseph Chiteta.

According to investigations, Serial Killer Chiteta used his fellow inmate working in the Prison Registry to peruse through fellow inmates files and obtained the phone number of Mrs Mombotwa.

He then called her pretending to be a Prison official so that they could arrange for her husband’s release on presidential pardon.

However, once in Kabwe, he lured her to Makupo Settlement area where he raped and strangled her to death.

Meanwhile, Akafumba remains in jail since his sentencing to a ten-year sentence over his declaration of Barotse Independence from the rest of Zambia.

©Kalemba June 2, 2021



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