People saying Lungu not eligible are bringing unnecessary confusion – Kamba


LUSAKA Province Patriotic Front (PF) chairman Kennedy Kamba says people saying President Edgar Lungu is not eligible to contest the August 12 elections are just trying to bring unnecessary debate and confusion.

Kamba’s comment comes in the wake of Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa’s petition against President Lungu’s bid to re-contest the presidency following his successful filling of nominations last Monday.

Sangwa argues that President Lungu is not eligible because he has already held presidential office twice and running again would be abrogating the republican constitution which has two-term limit.

But at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Kamba said Sangwa was now playing politics insisting that the Constitutional Court had already determined the case of President Lungu’s eligibility.

Kamba has since directed party members to treat Sangwa as a political opponent wherever they found him.

He also directed all PF structures in Lusaka to throng the Court for hearing when the petition case hearing takes off.

“These people who are claiming that President Lungu is not eligible to stand are just trying to bring unnecessary debate and confusion because the Highest Courts of the land, the Constitutional Court interpreted the law accordingly and cleared President Lungu that he only served one term,” he said.

Kamba said the party not happy and was concerned about what he termed as misconduct being exhibited by Sangwa.

Kamba declared that the party would now treat Sangwa as a politician because he was “politicizing the issue”.

“What he is trying to do is politicize the matter when it has already been dealt with by the Constitutional Court. Therefore, We will no longer entertain this nonsense by John Sangwa,” Kamba said.

“All our party Structures in Lusaka should come in numbers at the court premises when the matter comes up in Court and support our leader President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. Our members should come for the hearing whenever the Court sets the date,” he added.

“We want to state clearly here that we will defend the Presidency and President Lungu. Even when the case comes up, we will be there to give solidarity.”

Kalemba May 24, 2021



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