Mbala Central aspirant unveils 6-point plan


MBALA Central Constituency aspiring Pascal Nsokolo has unveiled a six-point development plan for Mbala district.

Nsokolo promises that he will implement the strategy once voted area member of parliarment.

In a statement, Nsokolo said his vision for Mbala was to encourage local business growth and infrastructure development.

He said that would create jobs for the people across the constituency.

He observed that the upgrading of infrastructure at Samora Michel Airport presented an opportunity to business investment and tourism in the district.

Nsokolo also noted that there would be need for setting up an entrepreneurship plant to help people come up with their own businesses.

Nsokolo revealed that he had always been passionate about Mbala and that he had demonstrated in the past five years through working with locals from different institutions.

“I am pleased to set out my vision for Mbala district today. This is my six point plan for a better future for the people of Mbala Central Constituency. The Six point of my plan are; to create more jobs, give local business and farmers the support they need through improved infrastructure. Good roads will be priority for me. In addition, I will take action to improve health and education. And above all, we will do our best to empower our youths and our women. Finally, I will be setting up what we are calling growing Mbala Fund. This will be the vehicle to deliver development across the district. It will also supplement CDF funds,” said Nsokolo.

Kalemba March 30, 2021



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