ZAF soldiers whip PF Commander

FILE PICTURE: PF cadres in military uniform

A PF ‘commander’ who was on Monday ushering the motorcade for Charity Lumpa as she made her way to file her application to contest the Lusaka Central has been in pain after his encounter with Zambia Air Force officers in Lusaka near Woodlands A Basic School.

Hardly had the ‘commander’ landed his feet on the ground as he alighted from a Corrolla to discharge his self-appointed duty of controlling traffic than alert ZAF officers noticed that he was wearing their combat uniform.

The officers, like a swam of bees, instinctively jumped from their Land Cruiser and chased after the ‘commander’.

Noticing danger, the ‘commander’ ran through the maze of vehicles in the congestion with soldiers on his tail in hot pursuit.

Like a cornered mouse, he weaved his way past most vehicles and dived into a Corolla whose doors his colleagues hastily slammed shut to save him.

However, despite his best efforts, the soldiers mobbed the car, managed to retrieve his offending body from the car and using their heavy cotton belts with metal buckles embarked on a long whipping session.

As he wailed and wriggled like a worm in pain on the road, onlookers could only be that as none of them had the courage to intervene lest they come in between the offender and the soldiers’ belts.

Without any verbal instruction, the wailing ‘commander’ ripped the combat off his body and tossed it away to his tormentors but even this gesture was not enough as the soldiers now started massaging his bare body with their belts.

Noticing that his tears’ reservoir had run dry from continuous wailing, the soldiers picked the discarded combat fatigue and went back to their vehicle.

After surveying that the ordeal was over, his colleagues sheepishly came out of their vehicle, picked up their soiled half-naked colleague and drove off to the  safety of the filing-in centre.

#CAPTION: File Photo for illustration

Kalemba March 19, 2021




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