People get excited to see anyone associated with Lungu – Lusambo

Bowman Lusambo with President Edgar Lungu

LUSAKA Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says Zambians get excited to see anyone associated with President Edgar Lungu because of the benefits they are enjoying from the Head of State’s handwork.

Lusambo said that is why crowds are always formed around him and other PF officials.

The minister said this on Diamond Live in response to a call by PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri that he and Education minister Brian Mushimba should be arrested for gathering crowds which is in breach of COVID-19 regulations.

Lusambo said President Lungu was a law abiding leader and so were his ministers.

The Kabushi Constituency PF member of parliarment said “we don’t call people, they just follow us”.

“The benefits of hard work of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, people out there are very excited to see any individual associated to His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu,” Lusambo said.

Lusambo denied dishing out money saying what he was sharing with marketeers in his Constituency was Constituent Development Fund which was an entitlement of every Member of Parliament including those from the opposition.

©Kalemba March 18, 2021



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