Police arrest 2 Lusaka paramedics over “gospel porn”


A PHARMACIST and his assistant have been positively identified and arrested by police as being behind the pornographic video staged on the backdrop of gospel song by Kings Malembe of the “Ndimwana wamung’anda’ fame.

In the said video, the female, now identified as Angela Kapumba aged 24 also a dental assistant is seen swallowing the elongated ends of John Chewe, 31 a pharmacist to the backdrop of Kings Malembe-malembe praise and worship song.

However, police reveal that the duo could not handle the stiff situation ensuing from their widely circulated act and reported themselves to police claiming their video was circulated by thieves who broke into their car and stole a phone containing their oral gymnastics.

However, police failed to swallow the duo’s poorly lubricated lie and charged them with giving false information to a public officer and producing and circulating pornographic material contrary to the law.

The duo’s attempt to divert their career from paramedic to adult industry has all but been dampened as they are now in police cells at Luckson Mapushi Post in Kamwala South.

Kalemba March, 2021



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