Lungu’s ultimatum to Kanganja on shooting report ends today


INSPECTOR General of Police Kakoma Kanganja is today expected to hand President the findings of shootings which resulted in the death two people last week.

As UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema arrived for questioning at Police Force Headquarters in Lusaka last Wednesday, National Prosecutions Authority prosecutor Nsama Nsama and UPND supporter Joseph dead on what police said we’re “unknown circumstances.

The deaths of the duo sparked public furor with many accusing Police of having carried out the shooting.

The two were put to rest over the weekend.

Reacting to the shootings President Lungu said he would not allow anybody to usurp the country’s criminal justice as long as he remained in power.

In a statement shared on his Facebook on Thursday, President Lungu said the duo were killed by an unknown assailant or assailants.

President Lungu said he had instructed Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja to conduct a speedy investigation into the killings and submit a report by today.

The Head of State said the death of the duo would have been avoided observing that it seemed “we have cast aside our values as a country because we now believe politics or politicking must be our daily bread.”

“We now believe it pays to spend time at police stations and courts, as cheerleaders of politicians, even over cases that we know little or nothing about,” the President stated.

“Even after being cautioned against going to the police station in this particular case, citizens, many in sponsored transport, traversed there,” he added.

“In short, we have become pawns in other people’s games”.

President Lungu said an individual, in his person, was called by the police to answer charges, and yet “we saw multitudes of uninvited citizens thronging the police station.”

He said a situation was created for mayhem and ended up wth lives lost.

President Lungu said no one including him was above the law.

“And as long as I am President, I will not allow anybody to usurp criminal justice,” warned President Lungu.

©Kalemba December 28, 2020



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