Jeremiah, Naham and Nehemiah, infant triplets of Chongwe’s Kapangoma Village who were abandoned by their father upon conception were yesterday shown the other version of men’s character when Tom Pino Mwanza, a 27-year-old upstarting Lusaka entreprenuer gifted them with assorted goods worth K4000.

Tom, who during the donation was accompanied by Twins Plus Foundation co-founders Joel and Noel Mwanza said that he had decided to come to the aid of the triplets to mark his 27th birthday.
The donor added that he was touched by the moving tale of how the triplet’s single parent Cecilia Kababa was struggling to raise the triple bundle of joy from which their father bolted even before they could be delivered last September.
Though the news of their conception wasn’t joyous to their father and gave him the impetus to flee even before they could be born, Tom working together with Twin Plus Foundation brought smiles to the infants and their mother perhaps stregthening the argument that ‘not all men are the same!’

Happy Birthday Tom!
Kalemba November 22, 2020