Lungu has made Lusaka start looking like Dubai, Lusambo tells Copperbelt marketeers

LUSAKA Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has told marketeers on the Copperbelt that if they travel to Lusaka, they will be shocked to see how President Edgar Lungu has developed the capital city to look like Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

The minister told female marketeers in Luanshya that very soon, President Lungu would also make their city start looking like Dubai.

“Our President is a Christian, and our President wants to develop the country, for some of you business people who move. You will only agree with me – that truly indeed Lusambo was telling the truth when you come to Lusaka where I am coming from and see how Lusaka is looking like Dubai. The infrastructure which is there (in Lusaka) is the same kind of infrastructure that you see when you travel abroad to the other countries,” said Lusambo.

©Kalemba September 6 2020


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