Miles Sampa launches 1 million trees planting project


LUSAKA mayor Miles Sampa has launched a project to plant one million trees in Lusaka.

The tree-planting project is meant to replace trees that are currently being chopped during the road expansion works in the city.

Sampa hopes to inspire the city to mitigate Climate change effects.

In a Facebook posting, Sampa stated that he would plant 100 trees before the end of this year.

“I start today and just planted 10 Acacia trees on the middle highland of Lumbumba road. Acacia is ideal because it has a tap root (head downwards) and hence will not crack the road some day. It is semi drought resistant and needs minimal water to grow. For those who cross the road away from pedestrian zebra markings, Acacia tree will grow thorny branches to deter them. I trust that we can hit the 100 target challenge before end of this year.”

He has challenged Lusaka residents, corporate institutions and organisations to plant 100 trees in Lusaka at their own time and convenience.

“I have chosen Acacia for my 100 but you are at liberty to pick any dry deciduous tree variate of your choice.”

“Together, WE should and WE will hit the 1 Million milestone some point sooner. After a quick inspection and audit, I will be giving a personalised trophy from my office to all those that alert me when they hit the 100 trees mark. So let’s do this. Let’s go. Pyee..”



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