CIVIL SOCIETY Scaling Up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) Alliance has urged that people adopt healthy diets to boost their immune systems as the World battles the Coronavirus and COVID-19.
Alliance communications officer Nsungwe Mulendema observed that while experts had advised a strong immune system could help the body fight the Coronavirus virus, there had been little talk about consuming foods which could help people boost their immune systems especially the aged and those with underlying conditions such as Asthma.
“There is no strong evidence linking a particular dietary pattern to the prevention or treatment of COVID-19, however it is undeniable the role good nutrition plays in supporting the immune system, maintaining proper immune function and overall health, Mulendema noted.
Further Mulendema observed that the immune system was responsible for fighting illness and infections because it was the body’s defence against infections and other harmful invaders.
“A healthy immune system reduces your chance of viral infection. Research shows that improving nutrition helps to support optimal immune function.
Micronutrients essential to immune health and fighting infection include vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and the minerals iron and zinc,” she stated.
Mulendema said eating a variety of foods within each basic food group assisted in boosting the intake of vitamins and minerals.
“Examples of foods from which these nutrients can be obtained include leafy greens, fibre rich foods, legumes, nuts, healthy fats and citrus fruits. In addition to healthy eating, there are measures that can be taken to support normal immune functioning for instance being physically active, reducing stress and getting enough sleep,” she advised.
Mulendema said healthy diets and physical activity were key to overall good health and wellbeing of human beings.
© Kalemba April 17, 2020
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