Zambia discharges 2 more, records no infection


TWO more people have been discharged from the COVID-19 isolation facility while no new infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours, health minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced.

In his daily Coronavirus brief at the Ministry of Health in LUSAKA this morning, Dr Chilufya said 99 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours 72 of which were truck drivers who had brought goods in the country while the rest were relatives of the only person to have died of COVID-19 in Zambia.

Dr Chilufya said all the tests came out negative.

He said two more people who were admitted to the COVID-19 isolation center had tested negative and we’re due for discharge bringing to the total number of discharges to five.

He said 33 people remained admitted but stable were stable.

“The numbers look promising but this is not time to relax,” warned Dr Chilufya.

The minister said “we face a very grave threat in public health.”

The minister reiterated his call for individual and communal discipline as well as adhering to the health guidelines given by health officials.

“This war we are fighting is ferocious. We will need collective effort to fight,” he said.

The minister called on people to reduce movements and only engage essential movements.

Since breaking out in the Chinese town of Wuhan last December, the Coronavirus has infected over one people and killed more than 70,000.



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