DANCE, music and ululation were in order as World Vision handed over maternity wings in various health centers across the country valued at over K 10 million.
Residents of Mwachisompola area in Chibombo District of Central Province could not hide their pleasure and gratitude to the donors for the new maternity wings constructed at various health centers.
Women, men and children came out in their numbers to witness the handover of the facilities which was done at Mwachisompola Rural Health Center which had no maternity wing but not anymore.
“Improving the health of mothers and children is a priority for everyone of us. It is especially close to my heart,” World Vision Zambia board chairperson Osbert Sikazwe said during the event.
“We are [here] to celebrate and witness the handover of various infrastructure investments to government. This investment is worth more than ten million five hundred and fifty thousand kwacha.”
Sikazwe said World Vision was glad to have spent the money on the projects located in 10 districts.
“The completed new facilities include 7 maternity annexes, 15 mechanized water systems, and 10 mini water borne ablution blocks,” he said.
“This centralised handover of completed projects we are witnessing here includes all projects completed in 2019. These projects are located in 10 Districts across 6 provinces. …the Districts are Chibombo in Central Province, Katete and Nyimba in Eastern Province, Monze and Mazabuka in Southern Province, Nkeyema and Luampa in Western Province, Isoka in Muchinga and Mbala and Senga in Northern Province. These are in addition to the many other projects that World Vision has handed over individually throughout last year.”
Earlier, when he met ministry of health permanent secretary Mulalelo Kakulubelwa, Sikazwe asked for governments help with staffing of the health centers which they had helped with the new facilities.
Health minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya who was represented by Kakulubelwa said the maternity facilities would go a long way in provision of health care services and mitigate difficulties of travelling long distances to access basic health services.

“Our mothers will no longer deliver in homes, our children will not miss child health services such as immunisation and nutritional services. My office will continue as before to support the delivery of health services in Chibombo District and I therefore call upon your office the district medical officer to ensure the availability of medical supplies,” said Dr Chilufya.
Meanwhile Chief Liteta who also witnessed the handover said he was happy with the gesture by World Vision.
He implored the community to take care of the facilities.
“I thank you World Vision for the numerous projects you have done for the people of Chibombo even for this maternity annex, this infrastructure they have given us, please protect it, make sure it is clean and I will be coming to inspect to make sure it is clean and well taken care of,” said Chief Liteta.
And a 57 year old Esther Zulu who is a resident of one of the 27 villages serviced by Mwachisompola RHC said the maternity annex had come at the time when mothers had it had when delivering.

” Twalechula saana ukupapila mumayanda (We used to deliver from homes due to hardships and lack of a maternity ward) at least now we have our own here a lot of women will now deliver in dignity and all praise goes to God who created the people of World Vision,” said Zulu.
Musician Bflow was also at hand to entertain the crowd as they sang along to his anti GBV songs.
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