‘Lusaka orphanage sold my dead baby’


A THREE-months-old baby who was reported dead and buried by a Lusaka orphanage is alive and well in the US after being sold; the Lusaka Magistrates Court has been told.

In this matter, Kapambwe Muma, a police officer narrated to the court that the said orphanage and social welfare officers had formed a well-coordinated child selling ring.

Mr Muma told the court that the sold child Gift Chilufya together with his three siblings aged 13 and 7 were left at House of Moses orphanage in Lusaka by their mother Mercy Mungoti after they divorced with the husband Brian in 2007 as she could not manage to take care of them alone.

However, in 2010, the husband Brian went to collect the children but was only given two of them and told that the youngest had died and was buried. The orphanage also encouraged him to divorce his wife as she was irresponsible for dumping the children.

However, at home, the older children revealed that their baby brother did not die in 2007 as alleged but that he was adopted by a white couple in America and a farewell party was held at the same orphanage.

This has prompted police to arrest Daisy Musukwa, Orphanage Director, Ms Modrin Tembo, Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Getrude Sichone a businesslady and four others who are part of the child selling ring.

Investigations also revealed that Gift now aged 14 was alive in the USA with the said white couple.

Judgement in the matter has been set for next Tuesday.

What is your reaction as Kalemba readers, should Gift return to Zambia which he left at 3 months?

©Kalemba March 2021



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