High ranking ZAF official admits having sex ‘with minor’


A ZAMBIA Air Force-ZAF-Major Thomas Yanina has testified before the Lusaka Magistrate Court that the girl he is accused of having defiled presented herself as an adult.

In this matter Yanina is accused of having carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 16 contrary to the laws of Zambia.

When the matter came up for defence before Magistrate, Thandosa Chabala, Yanina testified that he met the victim in December 2018 and she told him that she was 18 years old turning 19 and that she was a student at Mulungushi University.

Yanina testified that their friendship grew into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship because they used to hug, kiss and have sex on some occasions.

He testified that in March 2019 he was surprised when the girl asked him what present he was going to get for her on her 16th birthday.

Yanina says since that incident he stopped communicating with the girl, but based on the conversations he had with her and circumstances surrounding their meeting he had no doubt she was an adult.

Allegations are that between December 2018 and 31st March 2019, Yanina had carnal knowledge of a minor.

Credit: Diamond TV.



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