Landlord grabs clothes from Mazhandu Bus inspector for failure to pay rentals


A FOURTY-SIX-YEAR-OLD Mazhandu Family Bus Service inspector has been driven out of his house fo alleged failure to pay rent.

Chota Mulenga was evicted from a house in Chawama Township and had his clothes seized for failure to pay rentals amounting to K4, 400 in arrears for four months, according Zambia Daily Mail.

Mulenga told the court that he was failing to pay rentals because he had not been paid for the past three months by his employers.

He was defending himself against Sara Moyo, 70, who sued him for failure to pay rent.

“Our company is going through financial challenges and we have not been paid for some time now, I will pay the money as soon as I get paid,” Mulenga said.

In her testimony earlier, Moyo and earlier told the court that she evicted Mulenga because he had been failing to pay rentals on time since he got into the house six years ago.

“Mulenga pays K800 per month, but he only paid the full amont in the first one year. Since then I have to chase him around to pay.

I have tried to ask him to leave my house on several occasions but he has refused,” she said.

Moyo said life has been difficult as a result of Mulenga’s failure to pay rentals on time saying she depends on the money for her survival.

She said Mulenga had not paid rent from May this year, a thing which forced her to evict him from the house.

“My plea is that the court compels Mulenga to give me my money because I am tired of his excuses. I have gone to his place of work on several occasions but his bosses have been giving excuses and I cannot take it,” Moyo said.

In passing judgment magistrate Nancy Ngoma sitting with Ruth Masanga ordered Mulenga to start paying K800 every month effective November 30.



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