God will use you right where you are today

Dr Humphrey Mutiti

….Making Your Life Count with Dr. Humphrey Mutiti

YOU don’t need to do anything else for God to begin to use you now. You don’t have to read another book, listen to another teaching, memorize another Scripture, plant another seed gift, or repeat another creed or confession. You don’t even need to attend another church service before God can begin to make use of you. You don’t need another 40 days of prayer and fasting.

God can use anyone. Do not ever write yourself off. God uses willing vessels, not brimming vessels. I am so grateful the Bible doesn’t hide the failures of those who were used in mighty ways. The people God chose struggled with sin and the hardships of life. And yet even though their shortcomings our mighty God did amazing things.

God can use the most imperfect vessel to bring glory to His name. Sometimes He uses unqualified people to do the qualified work. Throughout the Bible, in order to fulfill His plans for the earth, God used many people from all walks of life:

1. Matthew, a government employee (civil servant) who became an apostle.

2. Gideon, a common labourer who became a valiant leader of men.

3. Jacob, a deceiver whose name became Israel.

4. Deborah, a housewife who became a judge.

5. Moses, a stutterer who became a deliverer.

6. Jeremiah, a child who fearlessly spoke the Word of the Lord.

7. Aaron, a servant who became God’s spokesman.

8. Nicodemus, a Pharisee who became a defender of the faith.

9. David, a shepherd boy who became a king

10. Hosea, a marital failure who prophesied to save Israel.

11. Joseph, an ex-prisoner who became prime minister in a foreign country.

12. Esther, an orphan who became a queen.

13. Elijah, a homely man who became a mighty prophet.

14. Joshua, an assistant who became a conqueror.

15. James and John, fishermen who became close disciples of Christ and were known as “sons of thunder”

16. Abraham, a nomad who became the father of many nations.

17. Peter, a businessman who became a great evangelist.

18. Jacob, a refugee who became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

19. John the Baptist, a vagabond who became the forerunner of Jesus.

20. Mary, an unknown virgin who gave birth to the Son of God.

21. Nehemiah, a cupbearer who built the wall of Jerusalem.

22. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Hebrew exiles who became great leaders of the nation of Babylon.

23. Hezekiah, an idolatrous father’s son, who became a king renowned for doing right in the sight of the Lord.

24. Isaiah, a man of unclean lips who prophesied the birth of God’s Messiah.

25. Paul, a persecutor who became the greatest missionary in history and the author of two-thirds of the New Testament.

26. Zacchaeus was too small.

27. The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once.

28 Isaiah Preached naked.

29. And your name on the list.

Finally, all God needs in order to use you is all of you! God has and will continue to use anyone He wants to fulfill His mission here on earth, and He has chosen you today, where you are.


Dr. Humphrey Mutiti is a Pastor, conference speaker, instructor, and lecturer at Great Commission Theological Institute, an author of several books, has a Ph.D. Doctorate in Theology, a Ph.D. Doctorate in Ministry and a student in the school of law.



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