Dr Humphrey Mutiti

…Making Your Life Count with Dr Humphrey Mutiti

God often starts big things with small beginnings. He is in the small things. God will grow a baby boy into a man and a baby girl into a woman. He will grow a small idea into a big company.

He will grow a briefcase business into an empire. God is specialised in growing people, businesses, churches, families and dreams. Everything God starts is always from the bottom. Only grave diggers start from the top.

Every successful person I know is very good at doing small things well. All big things have small beginnings. When Jesus told the parable of the talents, He referred to a servant who had multiplied his master’s money.

The master conceded to the servant, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matt. 25:23 NKJV). Don’t be afraid to take small steps.

The Bible promises us that if we are faithful in small matters, one day we will be rulers over many larger things. On another occurrence, God asked the prophet, “For who has despised the day of small things?” (Zech. 4:10 NKJV). There is power in taking small steps. It is the small drops of water that makes an ocean.

Many people aren’t moving with God today simply because they were not willing to take the small steps He placed before them. You should leap at the opportunity-no matter how small-to move in your dream.

If you’re called to be a youth pastor and are merely sitting at home waiting for an invitation from a large church, it will never come. You need to find the first young person you can, put your arm around him or her, and begin to minister.

Many times the impossible is simply the un-acted upon small opportunity. I remember a time in my life when I was frozen with fear over what God had called me to do.

It seemed so huge a task that I was unable to bring myself to face it. A friend came to me and spoke three words that broke that paralysis in my life. He said, “Go for it!” and walked out of my house. That day “I answered God’s call.”

My first small step started momentum in my life and I began to run toward the vision God had for me. Those three words were a turning point in my life.

If you’re at a point of paralysis in your life because of what God wants you to do, my word for you today is, “Go for it!” Don’t worry about the goal; just take the steps that take you past the starting point. Soon you’ll get to a point of no return.

As you climb higher, you’ll be able to see much farther.
We should all learn to grow wherever we’re planted. As you begin, don’t be afraid. Eric Hoffer said, “Fear of becoming a has-been keeps some people from becoming anything.”

Every great idea is impossible from where you are starting today. But little steps add up, and they add up rapidly. Most people don’t succeed because they are too afraid to even try.

They don’t begin due to the fear of failure. It best to try and fail than not trying at all. Many times the final goal seems so unreachable that we don’t even make an effort.

But once you’ve made your decision and boldly taken a step forward, you’re more than halfway there. God will begin with you today-no matter what your circumstances.
In closing, eveything big starts with something little.

The former USA president John F. Kennedy once said, “According to the ancient Chinese proverb, A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Small beginnings are the launching pad to great things. Out of small beginnings greater things have been produced. Henry Ford once said, “There is safety in small beginnings and there is unlimited capital in the experience gained by growing.” Don’t fear to start small. Don’t not fear to start where you are with what you have.

The author, Dr. Humphrey Mutiti is a Pastor, conference speaker, instructor, and lecturer at Great Commission Theological Institute, an author of several books, has a Ph.D. Doctorate in Theology, a Ph.D. Doctorate in Ministry and a student in the school of law.




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