…Introspection Time with JBM
‘DO not dim your light’ is a common adage which I have heard again and again in my life under various circumstances. Do human beings possess some light in the inside of them meant to shine to others?
Alexandra Jamieson defines that light as a combination of all one is, and is to be. It is your personal strengths, natural gifts, and even your physical vitality and health that combine into a kind of energy, a light that shines out to the world.
That light speaks of the unique skills, potentials, abilities and understanding you possess and often you perform them with so much grace and ease than others.
What are you good at? What are your gifts? What defines your greatness and uniqueness? And why do you dim that light?
You tend to dim your light because often times those negative words from your significant others still ring back to you..’ you will never mount to be anything in life’. These words piece through your memory and pushes you towards shrinking back and never let your light shine.
You decide to keep views, ideas and opinions unheard because you fear the unknown. Sometimes it is through refusal to accept leadership roles and opportunities because you know your greatness, yet fear to shine that greatness to others.
I remember being new at a boarding school on transfer from another school, way back in grade ten. Hardly a month in that new school I was identified as a pupil with potential to revive a ‘dying’ tuck shop. They later gave me the responsibility to help with sales.
Within two months of my operations, the tuck shop recorded unprecedented profits ever. How did I do it? I am not sure, but all I can recall is that I tried to be diligent in executing my little skills in entrepreneurship gained during selling fritters and rice for my school fees.
Later I was given the responsibility of managing the kitchen for the school in terms of menu planning, food purchases and storage and supervising the cooks among others. Again, success was eminent!
Despite some opposition and ridicule from some fellow pupils, my light could not be dimmed!
This is what justifies why you need to keep your lane and refuse to feel insecure. Remember, your executing of duties or responsibilities is unique as it is in line with your God given inner light meant to shine forth and make your atmosphere rather different.
Stop dimming that light by hiding your greatness and uniqueness nor by remaining invisible and unimportant as this is not the will of God for your life. If you dim that light, it means you fail to touch lives around you in a way you are meant to by the Almighty. It means you fail at the assignment of exerting positive influence.
George Couros known as Innovative Teaching Consultant and speaker, says ‘what frightens us most is in fact not the darkness but rather our own light’.
Give yourself permission to shine brighter, because no one can dim your light! Touch lives by reclaiming that light and letting it shine! The fact that you exist it means you are valuable and a gift to the world, with a unique light that awaits to shine forth.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Quote: Never allow the dark shadows of your past to dim the light you were destined to shine (Prahmiss).
For the next version of introspection Time with JBM, check Kalemba every Wednesday.
Author: Joan Beulah Mute, is a Lecturer in Research Methods, Sociology and Law and Ethics in Public Health at the University of Lusaka.
For feedback or reactions, email joanbeulah@yahoo.com or follow on Facebook @Joan Mwanza Mute and Twitter @JoanMute OR whatsApp me on 0966433373