Why you should not call your Pastor as Papa: Part 4 – In Spiritual Matters, only God is Our Father

Author Dr Kennendy Musonda PHD

…The HARD TRUTH with Dr. Kennedy Musonda, Ph.D.

In today’s article, I examine the third reason why I think you should not call your pastor as Papa. In the last two articles, I discussed the first and second reasons why you should not call your pastor that way.

In today’s article, I discuss the most important reason why Jesus forbade the calling of religious leaders as Father. Matthew 23:8-10 states that “but be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

And call no man your Father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

So, the most important reason why you should not call a religious person as Father, papa, dada is because, regarding spiritual matters, only God is our Father.

I have heard and read justifications that Jesus did not literally mean that we should not call anyone on earth as Father. If that was the case, then you should not call your biological Father as Father.

It is argued that what Jesus opposed was hypocrisy. I would understand if that statement is made by a person who has not done even basic theology but not by a person who has a diploma or degree in theology.

If you look at the context, Jesus was not talking about biological fathers but religious leaders. If Jesus forbade calling biological fathers as Father he was going to contradict the scriptures which he came to fulfill because the Bible commands us to honor our fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12).

Gill Commentary states that “our Lord does not mean, by any of these expressions, to set aside all names and titles, of natural and civil distinction among men, but only to reject all such names and titles, as are used to signify an authoritative power over men’s consciences, in matters of faith and obedience; in which, God and Christ are only to be attended to.”

Those who argue that Jesus’ prohibition was not literal but focused on the hypocrisy of leaders miss two things. First, Jesus’ prohibition was because the religious leaders of his days demanded to receive the honor that only belonged to God. Hypocrisy was just the cover they used to justify receiving the honor.

Hypocrisy was the means, honor was the goal. Second, the reason Jesus gave for not calling a religious leader as Father was not because of hypocrisy but because when it comes to spiritual matters only God in heaven is our Father.

Some people have not considered the serious implications of calling your pastor, priest, prophet as Father. According to the HELPS Word-studies, the term Father comes from a Greek word pater, which means one who imparts life and is committed to it; a progenitor, bringing into being, to pass on the potential for likeness.

The word pater also refers to a begetter, originator, one in an intimate relationship. A begetter is someone who begets (figuratively an originator or creator). To beget, therefore, is to bring a child into existence by process of reproduction.

The term progenitor means a person or a thing from which a person, animal, or plant has descended or originates, such as an ancestor or parent.

Based on these definitions of the word Father, if you call a religious leader your Father, what you are implying is that he is the one who has imparted your spiritual life in you and that your spiritual life comes from your pastor or priest or prophet. Jesus said we are all brothers and sisters regardless of the role we are playing in the church (Matthew 23:8b).

Gill Commentary further states that “Christ’s sense is that he would have his disciples not fond of any titles of honor at all; and much less assume an authority over men, as if they were to depend on them, as the founders of the Christian religion, the authors of its doctrines and ordinances; and to take that honor to themselves, which did not belong to them; nor even choose to be called by such names, as would lead people to entertain too high an opinion of them, and take off of their dependence on God the Father.

Banes commentary says,”the word Father denotes authority, eminence, superiority, a right to command, and a claim to particular respect.”

In a sense, it is used here, it belongs eminently to God, and it is not right to give it to people. Christian brethren are equal. Only God has supreme authority. However, this does not mean we should not respect them.

The Bible commands us to obey and submit to them because they watch over our souls, as they will give account to God for this responsibility (Hebrews 13:17). But we should not give them the honor that only belongs to God, neither should they demand honor and glory that only belongs to God.

Author: Dr. Kennedy Musonda an international development consultant holds a Bachelor and Master of Social Work, a Bachelor of Arts in Theology,  a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Ph.D. in Business Administration.

For feedback contact email: kmusonda@gmail.com, WhatsApp/Telegram line +260977526404 or Skype: kmusonda45



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