HEAVENLY TRIAL PART 4: Will Kana Miso save Shi Joe?

Shi Joe - The Drunkard

KANA Miso now started testifying; “Your Honour, we became neighbors with Shi Joe several years ago. From the time I knew him I have never seen him going to any church. At least if it was the wife, I would say awe balaya every Sunday limbi na Saturday.

I rose up from the seat njebele, “Ze bigge zexsi! Point of objection please!” Judge King Solomon responded, “Wait for the witness to finish first!!!” Oblivious of my presence Kana Miso continued. “Your Honour this man was allergic to church or anything to do with God but he was a daily patron of Malole bar. I rest my case your Honour.”

And now Judge King Solomon turned to me and said, “Mr. Joe Dondo any objections based on the submissions?” Njebele, “Your Honour ze bigge, I told you even from my preamble that this is a wrong witness you have called. During my life pa chalo I had serious beef with the witness and so I don’t expect her to tell ze truth.”

Judge King Solomon “Look here we already know that you were not a Godly man but we summoned the witness to solidify our case.”

Judge Solomon read the charge:

“It written in Revelation 20:15 that anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” Therefore, Mr. Joe your name is not written in the book of Life and therefore, you have been charged accordingly. Now before we sentence you is there anything you would like to say?”

Njebele, “Oh yeah you Honour that ka witness you have called was also a CNN, BBC rumour monger and so she need to be sentenced as well!”

Judge King Solomon laughed aloud “It is not yet time to Judge the witness because she has not died yet but you are a dead man. The witness still has time to repent but in your case you are done and dusted.”

Njebele, “Okay bosses please put me on suspended sentence like Ka what? Bakamba already Samson pounced on me and started dragging me to the lake of fire. We reached by the lake of fire and I was like, “can we settle this out of court”

Samson ati, “You are committing more sins by trying to buy your freedom through corruption…. in any case what is written in the scripture should come to pass…. this lake of fire is your final destination.”

Bakamba at that Juncture I thought of attacking Samson and instead throw him in the lake of Fire. As I held him by the neck, he screamed and lifted me by my legs. When he was preparing to throw me in the fiery furnace, I woke up only to realize that whatever was happening was a thriller of a dream.

To be continued on Tuesday

Christian author, Joseph Chibwe describes his drama series as fictional; depicting a cantankerous drunkard from Malole Tavern who narrates his own dramatic escapades using a language he barely comprehends.



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