Author: Joan B. Mute

…An Introspection Time with JBM

A FEW days ago, I sat at the back of the car listening to some chats my spouse had with his brother, how one of his recent experiences proved to be a ‘blessing in disguise.’

I was forced to recall countless times I have equally encountered situations whose description of ‘blessing in disguise’ proved a perfect fit.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, a blessing in disguise is seen as an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results; It can also be seen as something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later (The Free Dictionary).

This article stands as a reminder that in your current experiences or situation, no matter how desperate you may be for a turnaround or an answer- a blessing in disguise will prove to set in sooner than you realise.

I recall a recent experience last week when the water pump stopped working and we had to go a couple of days without water for home use. Our usual electrician was hesitant to attend to the problem and he seemed too busy to help us due to another tender he had in the neighbourhood.

We were led to another electrician we hardly knew, who managed to fix the problem in such a short time. What we discovered however was that the man was specialised in pump installations and fixations compared to the initial man we knew well.

In other words, this turned out to be a ‘blessing in disguise’, because the workmanship proved more satisfactory, much to our surprise.

Do you recall when you got delayed in traffic only to realise an eminent accident would have caught up with you had it not been for that delay?

Do you remember how you differed sharply with someone only to have them as your partner or destiny helper years later?

How about that seemingly lost job or business opportunity only to find yourself land on a better deal?
Is this not enough to remind you that nothing just happens?

The world knows them as ‘blessing in disguise’ and yet it has been the finger of God in your experiences and situations all the while!

In that pain and disappointment, the finger of God has never and will never leave you.

We are reminded…. ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

And the truth remains that..’ The Lord God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves….. (Zephaniah 3:17)
This justifies why it is important to commit your time and plans to God because only Him decides what should come your way.

Even clothed in negativity and pain, this is the mystery of life, but God has your back always through good and the bad times.

For the next version of Introspection Time with JBM, check #Kalemba every Wednesday.

Author: Joan Beulah Mute (JBM), is Lecturer in Research Methods, Sociology and Law and Ethics in Public Health at the University of Lusaka

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