HEAVENLY TRIAL PART 3: Kana Miso to the rescue?

Shi Joe - The Drunkard

SO now, the Heavenly court agreed to my request of summoning an earthly witness to come and bear witness regarding my deeds during my life on Earth!

Through divine powers the Heavenly Court called out Na Miso to appear in Heaven and within a blink of an eye Kana Miso from nowhere appeared looking very awkward and confused.

Still in her confused state, Kana Miso first blinked her tiny eyes on and off repeatedly to the amusement of Judges. She looked from right to left to try and actach a signal but to no avail. After failing to catch the signal of that strange environment, she saw the exit door and sprinted out amalekaleka with her nshaupwa laka shoes going “nkohh, nkohh, nkhohh” along the golden corridor.

The Court Martial ran after Kana Miso, got hold of her by grabbing her nakonde chitenge material and then dragging her back into the Heaven Court room while she screamed. “Imwe nisiyeni!!!”

Upon re-entry into the Court room, Kana Miso shockingly saw me standing in the dock and she screamed out in her soprano voice ati, “Ehhh Shi Joe!!!Nivichani vichitika ai!!!???” Njebele, “Na Miso ndimu ng’ozi nemonobe, am in Court!”

Kana Miso ati, “In Court!!???? Shi Joe your cases are so petty and should be handled by our Zambian local court but this court looks like International Court of Justice!” Judge King Solomon banged his harmer on the bell and shouted ati, “Silence in court please!”

He then turned kuli Kana Miso and addressed her ati, “Woman, we have summoned you here because we want you to bear witness of how much you know the man standing in the dock”

Kana Miso still thinking the court was an International Court of Justice and without understanding what kind of testimony the Heaven Court wanted from her, interjected and already swung into testifying ati, “Your Honor the day before yesterday Shi Joe got drunk at Malole Tavern and urinated on the michopo braai stand.

I think that case is nuisance and can be handed by our Zambian local court but am surprise that he is appearing at International Court of Justice as if he has committed a crime against humanity!”

Judge King Solomon ati, “Madam you are in Heaven and this chamber is the Heaven Court room. We called you here because we want you to tell us whether the defendant was going to church or not during his time on earth and whether he was a God fearing man?”

I blinked my eyes on and off as a giving Kana Miso a signal but it seems Signal there was no.
Kana Miso walked in the dock and was like, “okay ine sinifuna kunama nizakamba che chilungamo muzina la Yesu”

In my heart I thought njebele, “I hope this ka sichopet waman won’t add salt to the wound.” Kana Miso asked the court, “Nikambe muchizungu, Bemba olo Nyanja?” I quickly responded njebele, “Speak muchi Nyanja and if the court agrees I will interpret?” Judge King Solomon guided her ati, “Madam you at liberty to speak in any language of you choise and the heaven will hear you.”

Kana Miso now started testifying!

To be continued on Friday

Christian author, Joseph Chibwe describes his drama series as fictional; depicting a cantankerous drunkard from Malole Tavern who narrates his own dramatic escapades using a language he barely comprehends.



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