Why Did Prophets Miss Biden Win?

Author Godfrey Chitalu

…IDEATIONS…GoddyChitty @Large with Godfrey Chitalu

TO answer the question why some clergy missed it on Joe Biden is surely opening a can of worms. The vast majority of our evangelical leaning populace don’t like questioning ecclesiastical issues.

Donald Trump had a fanatical cult following based on the premise that he was a ‘pro Christian’ president. So it was not unexpected that some pastors stood with him, even when he was no longer electable. They were internationally erroneously in prophetic unison that he had all but bagged the second term.

Didn’t our local prophets learn one or two tricks from our late Republican President Dr. FTJ Chiluba? Having been credited with declaring our country a Christian nation, he craved a third term ride on the rollercoaster of evangelical populism.

Despite hundreds of positive prophecies, some peddled on TV and radio, it was a bridge too far. Did God shut His ears to our local prophets? Why did He deny His born again child a third term and consign popular prophets to the dustbin of fallacy?

If prophecy is the act of correctly predicting the future, can I consider myself a prophet? I predicted way before the 2016 elections and posted on Facebook that Edgar Chagwa Lungu would get elected with 50.2%.

I even went ahead to line up Members of Parliament in each constituency. During Biden’s elections, I projected on Facebook my desire for him to garner 306 electoral votes, which came to pass.

From the latter, I continue receiving a barrage of criticisms and dissentions from self-styled prophets who were sure that God wanted Trump to carry the day. The liberal leanings of Biden have nothing to do with God, but the people voted for him.

 Didn’t God give Israelites a king they asked for? As for me, I don’t and will never consider myself a prophet! As we heard towards elections, we can also learn one or two things from leaders who claim they are sent from above.

For evangelical pastors in America, it was comically embarrassing to play some of the videos and sound bites on Trump. Trump’s own pastor Paula White insisted God wanted Trump nafuchi.

During one of her prayers she called on angels from Africa and South America to assure a Trump victory. In chorus was a coterie of evangelical and charismatic prophets firmly sure that God had opened a way for a Trump second term.

Nonagenarian Pat Robertson, former presidential candidate, who is a media mogul, political commentator and televangelist also predicted a win for his fellow Republican. So did pink haired Charlie Schamp, Jeremiah Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Kat Kere, Mark Taylor, Kris Vallotton, Loren Sandford and a long list of other eminent televangelists.

Although some of the pastors have since apologised for wrong prophecies, their Zambian counterparts are stuck with “thus said the Lord”, “kufwa na no”. If we add prophets who prophesied a Trump win from West Africa and other parts of the continent, you won’t have time to read my article. The Bible has a short description of prophets whose prophesies do not come to pass; false. The opposite of false is true!

Lest I’m seen to be rebuking big and established men and women of God out of conceit and malice allow me to conclude! Let’s use the Bible with wisdom and read it with understanding. Prophecy is a contentious topic.

I don’t take kindly to phone number recital prophecies. Predicting the day of your promotion is not gospel. Perhaps I’m old fashioned; election prophecies in Zambia and other countries are mostly peer pushed. God speaks on anything, but men and women of God can also twist anything. Peer pressure allow the dilution of prophecies. Most times we miss that inner voice from God.

Prophets must admit their mistakes. Prophet Jeremiah’s messages contradicted others but he stuck firmly with them. How many of our prophets can speak in the face of a president craving a third term? Did we expect in all her human frailties for Pastor Paula White to contradict Trump? Perhaps we should forgive, a local Catholic priest who is bent on rigging to fulfil inner cravings.

Let us take time to test prophecies and accept when things go haywire. I conclude with the following words: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” “Words flow from a person’s inner self and eventually reveal who people are.” “False Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; I have told you all things beforehand”. Napita!

Look out for IDEATIONS…GoddyChitty @Large every Monday on Kalemba

Godfrey Chitalu is a social commentator who writes for pleasure.

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