TECHNOLOGY and Science minister, Felix Mutati has announced that Lufwanya district on the Copperbelt will soon be receiving its first ever Vocational Training Centre whose ground breaking ceremony will be held next month.
This means that youths of Lufuanyama district will now be able to attain various skills that are practical in life and can be used to better their livelihoods.
Mutati who made this announcement this morning in Kitwe during the Copperbelt Agricultural Mining Industrial Networking Enterprise (CAMINEX) Breakfast hosted by Zanaco, also disclosed that Kagem Mine has committed US$2.5 million for the construction of the Chapula Vocational Training Center in Lufwanyama District.
Mutati said that his Ministry intends on spending K150 million on enhancing trade schools in the country by upgrading them to modern standards and equipping them with the needed equipment.
He said K80 million of the K150 million will be spent on the upgrade while K70 million will be spent to buy new equipment.
Mutati said the upgrading of the trade schools is aimed at ensuring that students get the right skills needed in the industry once they graduate.
By Buumba Mwitumwa
Kalemba May 28, 2028