Pastor seeks counsel to avert seductive members as prayers fail him

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A 29-year-old pastor has gone to seek for counsel from a fellow married pastor after the temptations of seductive church members become unbearable.
The pastor identified as Kafula from Chingola is reported to have been asking a Pastor Jay, how he can avoid attempts by young ladies from luring him into sexual immorality.
The Church Newspaper Zambia reports that the 29-year-old pastor got married two years ago. However, he keeps on getting advances from young ladies.
“Since I got married, I have had challenges with young ladies at my church and outside, always trying to seduce me,” he disclosed.
Kafula added that some ladies have gone even further, and asked him to become their boyfriend.
“I have prayed and prayed about it and has also sought some advice about how to deal with this. But it appears the battle is getting tough and tough.”
“I believe you have been married for many years. What has been your experience and how can you help me?” Kafula asked his pastor counterpart.
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