Rival forces out-stone Kalimanshi’s “Amelican troops”

Innocent Kalimashi

‘COMMANDER’ Innocent Kalimanshi is licking wounds of defeat after his “Amelican soldiers” were outnumbered and out-stoned by a rival PF grouping in Lusaka’s Chawama Compound yesterday.

In what PF insiders are calling “Battle of Blue Water Dam”, “forces” believed to be from “InterCity Barracks” attacked Kalimanshi’s “Chawama Barracks” with hope of subduing him and bring him under the control of the new Lusaka PF leadership.

However, Kalimanshi’s forces, with the power of Embeneza, despite being outnumbered and out-stonned managed to repel InterCity forces with a spirited defence.

For every stone that landed, they responded with two and suffered minor casualties.

Licking his wounds from the battle of ‘Blue Water Dam’, Kalimanshi has released a video message in which he has promised to beat Kamba to pulp once they meet just as he had done before.

Kalimanshi said that the Lusaka PF boss was not his leader and his raids on his barracks where meant to have him sent to prison once he retaliates.

He said that he remains loyal to President Edgar Lungu and not Kamba and may take the fight to Kamba’s doorsteps if the raids persist.

©Kalemba March 25, 2021



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