NGOCC expresses distress over ‘barbaric’ defilement of Kanyama toddler


THE Non-governmental Gender Organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has expressed sadness and deep distress over the barbaric and evil nature of the defilement of a two-year old girl in Kanyama Compound by a fifty-three year old man.

NGOCC executive director, Engwase Mwale in a statement says the women’s movement is greatly perturbed at the increased cases of defilement especially against young girls. 

Mrs Mwale said the increased defilement cases, especially involving children, are symptomatic of a deeply rooted moral and psychological catastrophe in the country.

“It is inconceivable how a fifty-three (53) year old man can even think of forcing oneself on a two-year old girl. This trend seems to be continuing even after the sad death of 3-day-old “Baby Queen” of Luwingu District, Luapula Province and many others whose lives have been cut short in similar circumstances over the years,” she said.

She says many other women are similarly needlessly losing lives at the hands of intimate partners with the latest one, Ms Anetty Lutanda of Chifunabuli District, having met her fate in the last few days.

Mwale says it is a concerning eventuality that should rob many Zambian citizens of their sleep.

“NGOCC also condemns in the strongest terms the incident in Chifunabuli area of Mpika where a wife, Salome Mwila is alleged to have killed the husband, Julius Mwila, after a marital dispute. Violence of any nature should be condemned whether pepetrated by a man or woman,” said Mwale.

She reiterated that Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) is not only criminal but an affront and a violation of the human rights of victims and survivors.

“Clearly all current efforts to root out this evil in our society are proving inadequate and as a country, time has come for all of us to rise in a more concerted manner to find lasting resolve to this persistent evil hand,” said Mwale.

By Evelyn Namwinga

©Kalemba January 19, 2021



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