MALAWI BREAKS THE RECORD: Elects the first clergy as President and returns a party that lost power 26 years ago


I HAVE just got off the phone with my brother the Rev (Dr) Lazarous Chakwera, the President-Elect of the Republic of Malawi.

This is a peculiar moment in God’s special calendar for Africa. In one single election, God has conclusively answered the two most critical questions in governance.

God has nullified the myth that a political party that loses power cannot be re-elected. Kamuzu Banda’s Malawi Congress Party lost power in 1994 and today the 24th June 2020 has won the election with a landslide.

God has also nullified the long standing myth that a Pentecostal Reverend cannot become President. Today, Rev Lazarous Chakwera has become the 6th President of Malawi.

The Bible says, “to everything there is a season.” This is a new season for Africa to bring morality and integrity in African politics. This has been our fight and crusade over the last two decades.

The Christian values are to bring equity and justice to the long oppressed African person.

This day goes down in the annals of history as the beginning of the true emancipation for Africa.

Congratulations Malawi. You have done it. You have beaten us at our own game.

Congratulations Rev. Chakwera for this memorable victory.

May Zambia be next!!!

Malawi Shall Be Saved,

Zambia Shall Be Saved,

Africa Shall Be Saved!!!

By Nevers Sekwila Mumba

CAPTION: Malawi President-Elect, Reverend, Dr Lazarus CHAKWERA and his wife, the incoming first lady with Zambian opposition leader, MMD President, Reverend, Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba sharing a light moment.



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