UNIP promises to revive economy in 2021


UNITED National Independence Party (UNIP) member Maxwell Ng’ambi says the former ruling party will revive the country’s economy when it is voted back in government in 2021.

Ng’ambia said Zambians must be careful not to support a political party based on fake promises without political background and experience.

He said UNIP was in power before and therefore possessed the experience than any other political party.

UNIP, under the leadership of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda governed the country for 27 years from 1964 to 1991.

“UNIP party when voted in 2021 general elections will reverse the current poor governance systems that have affected the country and will aim at making Zambia a better country even for generations to come,” Ng’ambi said in a statement.

“In order to realize the efforts of economic independence, UNIP had to offer free education up to university level. This process was meant to control their accesses to the existing economic sectors and many Zambians were appointed to key positions and more employment opportunities were created,” Ng’ambi observed.

He added that financial lending institutions were created as means of interrogating Zambians to venture into business activities of their choice such as ZANACO, Cattle Financing Company, Lima Bank among others.

“But in 1991, the MMD government privatized all public companies surrendering back into the hands of foreigners for them to make profit, would not employ Zambians, unemployment was created and still exists. This was the birth of high crime wave in Zambia and that is why UNIP is committed to change the current state of the nation,” said Ng’ambi.

CREDIT: The Mast/Emelia Phiri


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