Media is the mirror of society – Kampyongo


MEDIA is the mirror of society so when it reflects what you are, don’t break it; fix yourself, acting Information and Broadcasting minister Stephen Kampyongo has urged.

Officiating at the opening a station called Radio Delight ‘Kwitonta’ in Chinsali on Wednesday, Kampyongo said the PF appreciated divergent views as witnessed by the large number of radio stations in the country.

“As acting Minister of Information and Broadcasting, our role is to make sure to provide an environment conducive for you the professional journalists to do your work because that’s what you are trained to do. We have always looked at you as mirrors of society. When a mirror reflects what you are, you don’t break it. You fix yourself. Fix your image, ” Kampyongo said.

Kampyongo, who is also home affairs minister, insisted that people must be allowed to express themselves.

“We are strong believers…and I think my substantive colleague has been going round to interact with the media institutions to see how best we can improve the environment in order for you (journalists) to do your work professionally,” he said.

“On the other hand as minister responsible for home affairs whose responsibility is to protect citizens and their property, it is our role to make sure that every citizen, every professional is protected and allowed to enjoy their fundamental rights. And so you are assured that…even as I was commenting about the large number of radio stations we have, it’s because government appreciates divergent views. People must be allowed to express themselves.”

Kampyongo further warned journalists who he said were in the habit of publishing lies that there are laws to prevent such conduct.

He added that the broadcast or transmission of information was the cornerstone of an enlightened society.

“Competition in terms of views, in terms of serving the public must be done with mutual respect. Those members of the public who want to take advantage of your vulnerability in some cases must be told that the long arm of the law will certainly catch up with them,” Kampyongo warned.

He urged staff at the radio station to inform people in the area about government activities and programmes using the facility he was launching.

Kampyongo called on journalists at the radio station to have programmes that will receive people’s challenges in the area and forward them to relevant government officials.

The government has hired veteran broadcasters Francis Ndovi and George Mubanga, formerly of ZNBC, to run the radio station and train staff.



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