Lusaka Province PF Chairman steals all-white party show


LUSAKA Province chairman Paul Moonga has emerged as the highlight of the Saturday all-white party hosted by Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa.

The party has turned Moonga into a social media sensation being his videos doing rounds.

At the party, Moonga took on Afunika’s skimpily-dressed dancing queen, openly ‘caressed’ her bare thigh before crashing on top of her after she leaped on his waist – he could not support her weight.

After the crash, Moonga is quickly helped to his feet by party officials who accompanied him.

Not one to give up, Moonga then takes on another female patron.

This time, the all-smiles Moonga is seen standing behind a woman bent over, his hands full of her giagantic and vibrating bottom, the two dance to Afunika’s tunes much to the delight of some and shock of others.

But it was when when Moonga spoke that many PF officials were left angry.

To encourage Sampa, Moonga said there were several people within the PF and we’re present at the party who acted like they loved the mayor when in fact not.

He said such people were demagogues, lairs, pretenders.

In his of the calf speech, Moonga is reported to have called some of the patrons who jeered to disapprove of his behavior “idiots”.
The event dubbed ‘Thanksgiving party of 2019’ was hosted by Sampa at his Hakuna Matata House on Leopards Hill Road.



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