Law will visit those flouting COVID-19 preventive measures, warns Chilufya


HEALTH minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has warned that the law will visit those flouting the public health regulations.

In a statement today, Dr Chilufya noted that the negligence in the compliance to the prescribed public health measures was an exacerbating factor.

He said social gatherings in bars, night clubs, restaurants, weddings and funerals were increasing chances of transmission of the coronavirus.

Dr Chilufya further noted that the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak had continued to accelerate with increasing number of cases.

He revealed that over sixty percent of the admitted COVID-19 patients in health facilities required oxygen therapy and advanced medication.

“We note increasing number of persons dying in the community or brought in too late to the health facility. The current disease pattern indicates speedy transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and quick progression of disease in especially persons with underlining conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Immunocompromised conditions and even among obese persons,” he said.

Dr Chilufya said the success in the battle against COVID-19 remains in people’s hands as individuals and communities.

“This morning I learnt with a heavy heart how many young and middle aged people were found patronising in social events and public places without any observation of mask wearing, hand hygiene of physical distancing. I must warn that in line with the Public Health Act CAP 295. of the Laws of Zambia and Statutory instruments 21, 22 and 62, the law will visit those flouting the public health regulations and action accordingly.”

Dr Chilufya further announced that in the last 24 hours Zambia had recorded 1,241 COVID-19 cases with 23 deaths out of 12,383 tests conducted countrywide.

He said a total of 163 people have also been recovered and discharged within healthcare and homecare facility management.

“However, with the new admissions we now have 191 patients under healthcare management with 108 on oxygen therapy. The cumulative totals now stand at 26,567 cases, 464 deaths and 20,512 recoveries. Of the deaths, 159 are due to COVID-19, while 291 are associated COVD-19 deaths and 14 are yet to be classified,” said Dr Chilufya.

©Kalemba January 9, 2021


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