FACEBOOK has appointed Mwebantu, an online newspaper in Zambia as a COVID-19 Ambassador with the World Health Organization (WHO) to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
Facebook has stated that they have an urgent need to help the World Health Organization (WHO) with COVID-19 messages.
Facebook has been requested by the World Health Organization (WHO) to help them get urgent critical health messages about COVID-19 pandemic out to the public quickly through people and organizations who have large followings on Facebook platforms.
To this end, Mwebantu will serve as a WHO Facebook Ambassador, and will be frequently informed on the urgent messages that WHO would intend to share.
Last week, Facebook announced s $20M matching donations to support global relief efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic.
This commitment includes $10million for the United Nations Foundation (UNF) and World Health Organization’s (WHO) newly established COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, and $10M for the CDC Foundation.
The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fundraiser supports WHO’s global efforts to track the outbreak, help patients and frontline workers, and speed up vaccine and treatment development.
The CDC Foundation plans to launch their fundraiser in the coming weeks to directly aid public health responders in local communities, create education campaigns and much more.
100% of what’s raised on Facebook and Instagram always goes to the benefiting organization.
And Facebook states that it realizes that businesses have been impacted and will be supportive during this time, reports Mwebantu.