AVOIDING alcohol is not a passport to financial success. There are billions of sober poor people in this world. Some of you have never tested alcohol in your lives but to this day you still struggle with paying rent and you have no proper food at home. This goes to show that alcohol in itself does not make you poor especially if it is done in moderation.
We discourage engaging in too much alcohol especially when you’re trying to grow your finances because it has a way of slowing you down not that you will become a millionaire if you completely avoid it. In case you didn’t know, alcohol was meant for people who have worked so that they can relax, enjoy, and celebrate their success while discussing more business ideas.
The truth is that just because you don’t drink does not mean you will be successful. Success is a whole different thing. So do not overly criticize those who do because to start with we are not even sure of the reason why you do not drink. Maybe you are just broke or limbi mulakunyuka, atemwa limbi mwalikwata ama health complications nga mwanwa kuti twashika, Olo limbi kumyenu you have history yabushilu nga mwanwa kuti mwapena olo ukufuula.
The point is don’t think you’re better simply because you do not drink. However, if you drink it’s important to be mindful because that could lead you to all sorts of injurious things and has the potential to hinder you from reaching your greatest heights.
Sorry, I just had to say it without sugar coating. And just so you know, I do not drink but I find it hypocritical to overly criticize those who do.
By Shadrick Chartered Accountant