….STRAIGHT TALK with Lawrence Musunte
PUBLIC SPEAKING: A Domain Traditionally For Men?
WOMEN ought to speak out or write down their thoughts that will contribute to medicine, politics, education, economics, humanitarians, art etc. If not they will go into the depth of the grave without offloading what God deposited in them.
It is unfortunate that many people who are gifted never had the opportunity especially in a patriarchal society where men are appeased, and women are at the mercy of men to permit them to speak or to function. I find it patronizing when men say; “we must give women a voice” as if they need permission.
The concept of women disciples was radical and revolutionary. The all idea of teaching and learning was a domain for men only.
In the series; ‘the Vikings the monk initially refused to teach a woman how to read and write the ancient text because women were not allowed to read, write and teach from the ancient text.
We have come a long way in our Christian faith that women are not only able to preach, teach and lead churches but also oversee churches as Bishops. There are a few churches/denominations that hold the view that women’s role in church is complementarian as opposed to egalitarian. In fact this conversation doesn’t even exist in many churches.
We have women theologians who have done extremely well in Biblical languages; Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic that they are well positioned not only for exegetical and Bible translation purposes but can also effectively preach and teach from the text.
As you read (Luke 10: 38-42) in the 21st century you are not at all shocked by Mary’s posture. But those who witnessed this in the 1st century, a woman sitting under the feet of a Rabbi (Teacher) was completely scandalous and radical.
This is more than just affirming that the woman’s place was in the kitchen, but challenging the position that a woman cannot teach. Mary went against the role of women as a house wives and home-makers to sitting at the feet of Jesus as a disciple. A woman disciple for that matter!
I encourage you especially women to face the fear of public speaking and step up. Let me quote the words of a female Philosopher Hannah Arendt;
“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous” whoever controls your thoughts controls you. Therefore; think them thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Love thoughts. Deep thoughts. Spiritual thoughts. Weird thoughts. Crazy thoughts. Intimate thoughts. Political thoughts. Leadership thoughts. Powerful thoughts. And keep on thinking them thoughts!
The freedom to think is dangerous. Precisely why dictators, politicians and religious leaders discourage you from thinking so that you don’t rebel against the regime.
Don’t say; “I am just a woman”. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim in line waiting for a man to let you into the industry. Don’t wait for some man to introduce you. Step up and say; “Who can stop me now?”